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bullet TS2 Enhancer Ver. 2.0.1 - Bld 346 - Apartment Life Update (Vista Compatible)

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!Version 2.0.1 Build 344 (Sep. 9, 2008) - Character Editor and Enhancement Program for use with The Sims 2 game. This version includes compatibility with the Apartment Life, Freetime, Bon Voyage, Seasons, Pets, Open For Business, Nightlife, & the University Expansions. Click the image to the left or one of the download links below to download the setup file to your desktop and double click on it to install. Be check the help files contained within this version get the most from it and to better understand its capabilities. This is a fully functioning download that can be used for a 48 hour trial period. You will need to be purchase it to use it beyond 48 hours. Check What's New for version changes.

Please Note: If you have purchased version 1.6 or earlier the unlock code will not work with this download. Please download the previous version below or purchase an update code to use this version.

TS2E20SetupBld.exe Version 2.0.1 Build 346 (Sep. 9, 2008) (See Disclaimer below)
System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista (including x64).

Alternate links: (If you are unable to download from the above links then try the link below)

bullet TS2E20SetupBld.exe Version 2.0.1 Build 346 (Sep. 9, 2008) (See Disclaimer below)
bullet TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.6.1 - Bld 240 - Freetime Update (Vista Compatible)

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!Version 1.6.1 Build 240 (Jul. 11, 2008) - Character Editor and Enhancement Program for use with The Sims 2 game. This version includes compatibility with the Freetime, Bon Voyage, Seasons, Pets, Open For Business, Nightlife, & the University Expansions. Click the image to the left or one of the download links below to download the setup file to your desktop and double click on it to install. Be sure to read the User Guide for this to get the most from it and to better understand its capabilities. This is a fully functioning download that can be used for a 48 hour trial period. You will need to be purchase it to use it beyond 48 hours. Check What's New for version changes.

Please Note: If you have purchased version 1.5 or earlier the unlock code will not work with this download. Please download the previous version below or purchase an update code to use this version. If you have purchased version 1.6 then this version will install as a free upgrade.

TS2EFTSetupBld240.EXE Version 1.6.1 Build 240 (Jul. 11, 2008) (See Disclaimer below)
System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista (including x64).

Alternate links: (If you are unable to download from the above links then try the link below)

bullet TS2EFTSetupBld240.EXE Version 1.6.1 Build 240 (Jul. 11, 2008) (See Disclaimer below)
bullet TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.2 (Nightlife Compatible)

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!Version 1.2.0 Build 142 (Nov. 23, 2005) -
Character Editor and Enhancement Program for use with The Sims 2
game. This version includes compatibility with the Nightlife & the University Expansions. Click the image to the left or one of the download links below to download the setup file to your desktop and double click on it to install. Be sure to read the User Guide for this to get the most from it and to better understand its capabilities. This is a fully functioning download that can be used for a 48 hour trial period. You will need to be purchase it to use it beyond 48 hours. Check What's New for version changes.

TS2E12Setup.EXE Version 1.2.0 Build 142 (Nov. 23, 2005) (See Disclaimer below)
System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, or Windows XP

Alternate links: (If you are unable to download from the above links then try the links below)

bullet TS2E12Setup.EXE Version 1.2.0 Build 142 (Nov. 23, 2005) (See Disclaimer below)


Note: You may not host, link directly to, or distribute any programs or files from this site without prior written permission.

What's New? (Check here for the latest updates)


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 2.0 bld. 346 Released. - Sep 9, 2008

Version 2.0 build 346 Released. This major upgrade includes all of the new features in the Sep. 1 Beta Release below and adds fixes for a couple of minor issues. One regarding some missing data in the neighborhood data which it will now correct (This was giving a Index Out of Bounds error during saves for some). The other one is related to how it deals with an empty data field in some genetics downloads that the game apparently ignores. This was preventing some genetics downloads from being selectable.

Know issues: The current Help system (New to version 2.0) does not contain help for the Apartment Life specific features at this time. I should have an updated help file available soon.

Please note that this version is not a free update. Those that have previously purchased TS2 Enhancer will be able to purchase it at a discounted update price though after providing proof of a previous purchase.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 2.0 bld. 344 Beta released. - Sep 1, 2008

Version 2.0 build 344 released. This major upgrade includes several updates included for the Apartment Life Expansion plus it includes many new features applicable to all expansions. (New skills, Badges, Etc.) The list of changes in this version is long and while the interface looks much as it has in previous versions in reality almost all of this version has been changed to both make it easier to use (faster loading, more feedback, full help system, more efficient code use, etc.) and to include additional features not provided before. Please review the internal help files built into this program to get details on the new features or to learn about this version.

Know issues: The current Help system (New to version 2.0) does not contain help for the Apartment Life specific features yet.

Please note that this version is not a free update. Those that have previously purchased TS2 Enhancer will be able to purchase it at a discounted update price though after providing proof of a previous purchase.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.6 bld. 240 released. - Jul 11, 2008

Version 1.6 build 240 released. This major build includes several updates included for the Freetime Expansion. In addition to updating the character formats it includes the new freetime neighborhood, increasing the long term aspiration unlock count, a new long term aspiration adjustment, adjusting the need decay speed, hobby levels, natural talent, freetime careers, and updates to the cloning format.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.5 bld. 202 released. - Feb 5, 2008

Version 1.5 build 202 released. This build corrects an issue where The Sims Deluxe was not properly recognizing the Nightlife expansion.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.5 bld. 201 released. - Jan 7, 2008

Version 1.5 build 201 released. This build corrects a couple of missing career items and the installation has been updated to work correctly on Windows Vista systems. (Eliminating the warning message that previously occurred)


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.5 bld. 200 released. - Sep 17, 2007

Version 1.5 build 200 released. In addition to the updates in the previous release this also corrects missing attraction traits added in the Bon Voyage Expansion.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.5 bld. 195 released. - Sep 14, 2007

Version 1.5 build 195 released which includes compatibility updates for the Bon Voyage expansion. In addition to the compatibility updates a new opening screen has been added allowing the selection of the neighborhood that is initially loaded.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.4 bld. 185 released. - Mar 08, 2007

Version 1.4 build 185 includes compatibility updates for the Seasons expansion. This includes the addition of the new Riverblossom Hills neighborhood (Or equivalent) and includes the new Seasons careers.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.4 bld. 178 released. - Feb 04, 2007

Version 1.4 build 178 adds a data corruption check in the DNA(Genetics) screen to correct the stream read error that occurs if a download is corrupted.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.4 released. - Feb 03, 2007

Version 1.4 includes compatibility updates to allow TS2 Enhancer to work with the Pets Expansion. In addition to updating to the new character format for all characters a limited number of attributes are also available to change for the pets. In addition to the compatibility update this version also includes a couple of small fixes for other issues. The most substantial being an error that would incorrectly prevent the main neighborhood file from loading in some cases.

Please note that unlike all previous updates this version is not a free update. Those that have previously purchased TS2 Enhancer will be able to purchase it at a discounted update price though after providing proof of a previous purchase.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.3 Beta 4 released. - Apr 09, 2006

Beta 4 corrects a regression bug that may cause all languages other than US English to fail to display correctly.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.3 Beta 3 released. - Apr 07, 2006

In addition to the updates described in the first 2 betas below this update includes a correction for languages that should allow it to correctly load all of the correct data for any given language. It is unknown whether or not the data will display correctly in all of them though. It has been checked in a few though and appears to display it correctly. An update has been made to the progress bar to better reflect the progress with loading data, a regression bug in the Vacation and Pension data has also been corrected. (It slipped by when the University update was made and has now been re-enabled) This release also corrects a bug in Beta 2 that caused backups to fail when the backup location hadn't been specified using the Change Backup Location.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.3 Beta 2 released. - Apr 04, 2006

In addition to the updates described below this update includes some minor interface updates and internal routine updates. These should correct the issues with characters not displaying correctly in descriptions as well. (This may also correct the characters for Asian languages as well but I'm not sure) This version also includes a new feature which allows backed up neighborhoods to be stored in any location. I.E. You can use a different drive if you want to cut down on space being used on the current drive. For those that already have backups stored in the default location changing the location will also give the option to move the old backups to the new location at the same time. The Lot Managed Jobs in the career section have been updated as well and the job levels updated to what I think are the correct descriptions. (Unemployed, Employee, Manager) It also should update properly now so the characters will get paid the correct amount if you give them a regular job after they previously had a lot managed job. Some missing information for University specific jobs (Hours and days worked) has also been updated.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.3 Beta 1 released. - Mar 15, 2006

This version is to bring TS2 Enhancer into compatibility with the Open For Business Expansion. The initial release only includes data changes where necessary to allow for the new formats in this expansion. In addition to this a large portion of the program was written over again to better deal with the growing variations that can occur when various expansions are installed. This should result in easier updates with future expansions as well. Keep in mind that the initial release following beta will just be for compatibility and that another release is planned following that to add more features. I.E. This version is so everyone can use it now with the new expansion rather than wait for the new features.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.2 released. - Nov 23, 2005

This version is to bring TS2 Enhancer into compatibility with the Nightlife Expansion and enable new Nightlife specific changes to be made when that expansion has been installed. It also includes additional features for those using any previous game version.

These include:

Family Tree's can now be edited instead of just viewing them.


New Genetics/DNA window which allows changing the skin tone, eye color, and
hair color of the characters in the game along with the genetics passed down to children.


Cloning has been updated to include Nightlife attributes. In addition the Genetics (DNA)
for the characters being cloned are now included in the clone. (Older clones can still be
imported but they will not have the new attributes in them)


Attraction Traits Displayed in the Relationship window for both the selected character
and the relationship character.


Turn Ons selection in the relationship window for the selected character.


Turn Off selection in the relationship window for the selected character.


Added new Nightlife NPC Jobs.


Selection between a dark or light background.


Now restores neighborhoods backed up using it even after a fresh game installation.


This version also corrects an issue where the thumbnails would display incorrectly on some systems after the number of characters becomes very large.


TS2 Enhancer (Nightlife Release Candidate 4) Ver. 1.2.0 Build 140 released. - Oct 22, 2005

This version is to bring TS2 Enhancer into compatibility with the Nightlife Expansion and enable new Nightlife specific changes to be made when that expansion has been installed. It also includes additional features for those using the Nightlife Expansion Pack to edit Nightlife Attributes along with new features for those using any game version.

These include:

New look for this version. (You can now select a dark or light background)


Family Tree's can now be edited instead of just viewing them.


New Genetics/DNA window which allows changing the skin tone, eye color, and
hair color of the characters in the game along with the genetics passed down to children.


Cloning has been updated to include Nightlife attributes. In addition the Genetics (DNA)
for the characters being cloned are now included in the clone. (Older clones can still be
imported but they will not have the new attributes in them)


Attraction Traits Displayed in the Relationship window for both the selected character
and the relationship character.


Turn Ons selection in the relationship window for the selected character.


Turn Off selection in the relationship window for the selected character.


Added new Nightlife NPC Jobs


Now restores neighborhoods backed up using it even after a fresh game installation.


This version also corrects an issue where the thumbnails would display incorrectly on some systems after the number of characters becomes very large.

This version is a release candidate. Essentially it means it is reaching the end of the test cycle and if nothing serious is found it may become the official release. While it is believed to be stable it still has not been fully tested. If you do decide to download and use this version please be sure you make a backup copy of your neighborhood when you first open it each time.


TS2 Enhancer (Nightlife Public Beta) Ver. 1.1.0 Build 101 released. - Sep 17, 2005

This version is to bring TS2 Enhancer into compatibility with the Nightlife Expansion and enable new Nightlife specific changes to be made when that expansion has been installed. It also includes additional features for those using the Nightlife Expansion Pack to edit Nightlife Attributes.

These include:

Attraction Traits Displayed in the Relationship window for both the selected character
and the relationship character.


Turn Ons selection in the relationship window for the selected character.


Turn Off selection in the relationship window for the selected character.


Added new Nightlife NPC Jobs

Note: Nightlife Attributes are not included in the cloning lab window yet. Clones created/used will not include Nightlife specific attributes until the next release. This should not effect using the cloning lab beyond that and clones created using it now will still be usable once they are added. (Nightlife specific attributes will need to be updated manually until it is added)

This release is a Public Beta. While it is believed to be stable it has not been fully tested. If you are concerned with using untested software please download the previous release instead.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.1.0 Build 93 released. - Jun 11, 2005

This version is to bring it into full compatibility with the University Expansion and enable a variety of new University specific changes to be made when that expansion has been installed. It also includes a number of additional features for those using the University Expansion Pack to edit University Student Attributes.

These include:

Young Adult selection in the Character window.


Influence Level in the Aspiration/Influence window.


New Careers added to the Job/School window.


Major and Class selection in the Job/School window.


University Class Hours displayed.


Class Performance in the Job/School window.


GPA in the Job/School window.


Remaining Hours in the Job/School window.


University Attributes selection in the Cloning Lab window.


Added new NPC Jobs


Influence, Performance, and GPA levels depend upon several requirements being met within the game. Because of this they may only temporarily be effective during game play or as in the case of influence may revert to a lower level if the game determines they are not supposed to be at that level. (I.E. If there are not enough friends)

Note: There are upgrades still planned into a later release to add additional functionality to this program so be sure to check back.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.1.0 Build 93 Public Release Candidate released. - Jun 8, 2005

This release is Release Candidate 1 of Version 1.1.0. This release is believed to be completely stable and all final interface and known bugs have been addressed in this release. There are upgrades still planned into a later release to add additional functionality to this program. This version is to bring it into full compatibility with the University Expansion and enable a variety of new University specific changes to be made when that expansion has been installed. (See previous post)

This release is a Public Release Candidate. While it is believed to be stable it has not been fully tested. If you are concerned with using software that has not been fully tested please download the previous release instead. Please send an email to BetaReport@Sims2Programs.com if you think you've found a bug when using this version and be sure to back up your neighborhoods prior to using it.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.1.0 Build 85 Public Beta (For University) released. - Jun 4, 2005

This release includes a number of updates intended to make it compatible with the University Expansion Pack. It also includes a number of additional features for those using the University Expansion Pack to edit University Student Attributes.

These include:

Young Adult selection in the Character window.


Influence Level in the Aspiration/Influence window.


New Careers added to the Job/School window.


Major and Class selection in the Job/School window.


Class Performance in the Job/School window.


GPA in the Job/School window.


Remaining Hours in the Job/School window.


University Attributes selection in the Cloning Lab window.


Influence, Performance, and GPA levels depend upon several requirements being met within the game. Because of this they may only temporarily be effective during game play or as in the case of influence may revert to a lower level if the game determines they are not supposed to be at that level. (I.E. If there are not enough friends)

Clones exported and imported with this version should be backwards and forwards compatible with the previous version. I.E. Clones created with this version should still work in the original game release and vise versa.

This release is a Public Beta. While it is believed to be stable it has not been fully tested. If you are concerned with using untested software please download the previous release instead. Please send an email to BetaReport@Sims2Programs.com if you think you've found a bug when using this version and be sure to back up your neighborhoods prior to using it.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.0.0 Build 77 upgraded to final release. - Jun 4, 2005

Version 1.0.0 Build 77 has been moved to the final release download link. It was determined to be stable quite some time ago however a few updates planned into the release were never completed. They are still planned to be added to the updated version now available as a Public Beta (See Release Notes above this for details).


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.0.0 Build 77 Public Beta released. - Nov 5, 2004

The following updates are included in this release.

The new Cloning Lab has been added for exchanging character body (skin) information between characters already existing in your game among other attributes. As this has not been fully tested please be sure to back up the neighborhood before using this and you may want to use the "Create DNA Record" (Export) first on any character prior to using the "Direct Clone" or "Get DNA Record". That will enable you to later use "Get DNA Record" to return the character to it's previous attributes.

In the Character window this adds an option to "Fix Thumbnail" to reset the character thumbnail when for instance the life stage doesn't match.

In the Household window this fixes a minor issue where the "Move In" button displays even though the "Advanced" option is not selected.

In the Job window this also corrects a minor issue where job information was not displayed until the job was actually changed.

While loading this version contains additional checks for character and neighborhood corruption that is believed to be the cause of the occasional Division by Zero message. In the event these files are found now it should continue to load and ignore them.


TS2 Enhancer Ver. 1.0.0 Build 52 released. - Oct 26, 2004

This release should correct the User Data not found message some of you with International versions of the game were getting.


TS2 Enhancer released. Ver. 1.0.0 Build 50 - Oct 25, 2004

The first release of TS2 Enhancer is now complete. As this is the original release there are not any changes listed here. It should however be noted that this is both the first release and that it has not had a long test cycle. I.E. The test cycle was very short using only a small group of testers. For this reason it is still unknown what the full impact of using it may be. For instance it is already known that the advanced settings cause unusual behaviors in the game. (Whether these are considered bad or good will depend upon perspective) These effects are/will be included in the User Guide for TS2 Enhancer when they are known. There may be other unknown aspects that have not been found though.

Note: You may not host, link directly to, or distribute any programs or files from this site without prior written permission.


Please Note: Use of any of these programs or objects is at your own risk!!! They are not endorsed by Maxis / EA and will probably void any warranty they provide. Neither TS2 Enhancer nor any other downloads that may be made available here are affiliated in any way with Maxis or Electronic Arts. Any support questions related to any downloads from here should be directed to Support@Sims2Programs.com. Maxis/EA will not answer them.

That said, I have done everything I can think of to ensure that TS2 Enhancer will enhance your The Sims 2 gaming experience. Hopefully I have accomplished that. If not send me an email and tell me why. Support@Sims2Programs.com Depending on the suggestion it may find its way into the next version or an upgrade to this version.
The Sims, Maxis, & Electronic Arts are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc.


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Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to Support@Sims2Programs.com
Copyright © 2007 Rick Halle. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 09/10/08.