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If you are interested in Purchasing any TS2 Enhancer as a gift please see the FAQ page for details.

To purchase TS2 Enhancer click the button immediately to the right.
The regular purchase price is $8.95 US. Once your purchase is processed you will receive instructions to obtain a permanent unlock code for your system.
(This will be sent to the primary email account registered with Paypal so be sure it is up to date)

Note: Prior to generating an Unlock Code you will need to download and install TS2 Enhancer.

NOTE: This purchase is for version 2.0 and will not work for versions prior to 2.0. If you have an earlier version you will need to download and install the latest version before the unlock code for this purchase will work.

TS2 Enhancer 2.0
The purchase button to the right is for TS2 Enhancer 2.0 only.


Update Purchase, Please note that in the past updates have usually been provided free. Unfortunately it will not be possible to provide this version as a free update to earlier purchases. These programs are provided on a "For Profit" basis which means they need to have sufficient sales to not only maintain the website but they must also provide a sufficient profit to pay for the time I spend on them. Because of this it will be necessary to charge an update price to ensure that the program will continue to be available on this basis.

TS2 Enhancer 2.0

The update button to the right is for those that have previously purchased TS2 Enhancer only. If you click the button to the right it will take you to a verification page where you will be required to provide proof of a Regular TS2 Enhancer purchase prior to version 2.0 which will then allow you to purchase the latest version at the discounted price. (Note: The invoice id provided must be for a regular purchase. I.E. The invoice for a previous upgrade purchase will not work)
Try it B4 You Buy It
If you have any questions or would like information on alternative purchase methods please send an email to Sales@Sims2Programs.com. Be sure to provide details about your request.

Did you already purchase and need to log in again to get your Unlock Code?

The link in your confirmation email is the easiest way to retrieve your unlock code and is usually sent within seconds of your purchase. Optionally you can go to the Unlock Code Generation page. You will need the email address used for the purchase and the purchase invoice # to confirm your purchase before you will be allowed to generate an unlock code.

Problems during purchase?

Check to be sure your email address at Paypal is valid. If not I have no way to contact you. I have a few purchases now where the email address is not correct and Unlock Codes have not been retrieved. If you think you might be one of them send me an email so I can check into it.


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Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to Support@Sims2Programs.com
Copyright © 2007 Rick Halle. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 09/10/08.