Chances are you didn't follow the instructions during the purchase.
Immediately following the purchase the instructions are provided for
generating an unlock code. These are provided via a web page after
returning from paying for the unlock code if the purchase clears
immediately (which it usually does), they are also provided in a
confirmation email which is sent out once the purchase clears (if your
email deletes it there isn't anything I can do), and third they can be
found by revisiting the purchase page and scrolling to the bottom and
following the confirmation link there. Here is a link to the page as well:
Unlock Code
Generation Page
If you did not save the purchase information with the required invoice
id then you can go back to your paypal account and review the purchase
details to locate the invoice id. Be sure that you locate the invoice id
and not one of the Paypal transaction IDs. The transaction numbers will
not work.
I do not and never have guaranteed that updates will ever be done or that they will be
free. I cannot guarantee that I will always be able to determine what
changes are required for updates since I have no control over what changes
the game designers make and am not supplied with any documentation by them
on the changes. (Changes always require testing a new expansion "After" it
is released and then attempting to decipher what changes have been made to
the data)
For over 2 years up until the Pets Expansion all updates were provided
free for this site (Much longer if the SimEnhancer programs for the
original game are also included). For the Pets expansion though an Update
charge is necessary for those that purchased a previous version which will
apply to at least the Pets compatibility update and if/when compatibility
updates become available for the upcoming Weather expansion then it will
also apply to them.
Please keep in mind that both the programs and updates on this site are
done on a for profit basis and therefore they must stay profitable to
continue to be available. The decision to charge or not for any updates is
based upon the programs staying profitable through new sales.