The email address
required above will need to match the one in the Sims2 Programs purchase
database for the purchase matching the invoice id. This will normally be the
email address used for the original purchase but may also be a more recent
email address if you have previously contacted me about getting a new unlock
The Invoice Number
above is an invoice id attached to each purchase by this website. This Invoice
ID is listed in the Purchase details for the purchase in the Paypal
transaction details for the purchase. I.E. If you are looking up this purchase
in your Paypal account then you will need first view the purchase and then
select purchase details. The invoice id is also included in the Paypal
purchase notification, the purchase notification from this website, and again
in the unlock code email that is sent after an unlock code is generated. This
amounts to 4 different places the invoice id can be obtained.
Please do not send emails asking to locate your invoice
id as I will not supply them even if I can locate them as I have no way to
guarantee that your purchase is valid if you are unable to supply it.
Recognizing the invoice ID.
The Invoice ID will always start with 4 digits followed by a dash. Usually
these will be "TS2E-" This will be followed by a date series and then the
unique ID for a total of 5 sections split by 4 dashes. It will look something
like "TS2E-2005-1-1-12345" Please note that this is not a Paypal Transaction
ID. (An ID consisting of several digits without any dashes that Paypal uses to
track purchases) The Paypal transaction ids do not match for both the buyer
and seller and therefore cannot be relied upon to verify the purchase.