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TS2 Enhancer Version

This is where you will go to determine what version or build of TS2 Enhancer you are currently using. Use this to determine whether or not a newer update is available.


Link to the web site

Use this link to visit the web site for TS2 Enhancer and any other programs the author (Myself) make available for "The Sims 2" game.


Copyright notice

This lets everyone know that this Program is my Intellectual property and I reserve all rights to it. While intellectual property laws do not require this notice for copyrighted works it is to ensure that no one misunderstands the absence of a copyright notice to mean that it isn't.


Special Thanks for those that have helped make TS2 Enhancer possible

This is to recognize those that played a key role in making TS2 Enhancer available.


Statement regarding the lack of this being endorsed or affiliated with the game creators or producers.

This is to let everyone know that the creators and the producer for the game neither endorse this program nor are they affiliated in any way with it. The full extent of what this means is best left to the lawyers. For my purpose this is to let everyone know that the game creators are not the ones that created this program, I am not an employee of theirs, and they have not paid me to create it.

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Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to Support@Sims2Programs.com
Copyright © 2007 Rick Halle. All rights reserved.
Last modified: 09/10/08.