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Neighborhood selection

The Neighborhood selection allows you to select the neighborhood you wish to work with. When TS2 Enhancer is first started it will display the first neighborhood it locates (Usually N001). After the first time it is started it will store the previously selected neighborhood and then open to that neighborhood when it is started again as long as it still exists.


Characters Selection

This menu displays all of the characters found in the selected neighborhood including normal characters, NPC characters, and characters that are dead. (If you delete a household from the Family Bin the characters in it will still exist as dead characters) For each character it will display the first name, last name (family name), and the character file name.

Characters Sort allows you to sort the characters in this menu by any of the three items displayed. I.E. It can be sorted by First Name, Last (Family) Name, or by the Character File Name.


Character selection can be made in two other locations.

First is the Household window where you can select a member of the household which will change the currently selected character and the other is the Family Ties window where you can change the currently selected character by selecting a Family Tie. For the Spouse and Parents double click the image. For Siblings and Children select them form either drop down menu.

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Last modified: 09/10/08.