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Neighborhood Version

This displays the Neighborhood Version. Presumably this will change when each expansion is released and will be the way the game will determine what version of the files it is working with.


Neighborhood Name

This displays the name assigned to the neighborhood. You can change the neighborhood name from this box.


Neighborhood Description

The Neighborhood Description is both displayed here and can be changed from this box.


Neighborhood Image

This displays the image that is displayed when the game is opened. The default is for this image to be displayed as a thumbnail in the list of neighborhoods and it is also displayed with the neighborhood description when you select a neighborhood to visit. For the first three neighborhoods installed with the game there is an additional movie file that is instead displayed in the thumbnail list of neighborhoods. I.E. When this extra movie file exists in a neighborhood the neighborhood image will only be displayed when you actually select a neighborhood.


Backup Neighborhood Button

This button is used to create a dated backup of the currently selected neighborhood which can later be restored in the event you wish to return to an earlier point in time. When a neighborhood is selected in TS2 Enhancer it will check for any stored backups and will display a message advising that a backup be made if none are found.


Stored Backups List

The Stored Backups list displays all of the stored backup files found for the currently selected neighborhood.

 The dated file is displayed in the following format <Neighborhood ID>-<Month>-<Day>-<Year>-<Hour-Minute-Second> For Example: N002-10-23-2004-230528 is Neighborhood N002 created in the 10th. month, 23rd. day, in the year 2004, 5 minutes and 28 seconds past the 23rd. hour.(11 PM)

You have 3 additional options for each file in this list when it is selected. First is to Restore. Selecting restore will move the current neighborhood to the Recycle Bin and replace it with the Stored Neighborhood you have selected. Second you have the option to Delete the Stored Backup. This deletes it to the Recycle Bin. Third it allows you to display the path to the stored backup. If you make changes to your system (I.E. Format) you may want to determine this so you can save the stored backups.

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Last modified: 09/10/08.