The Stored Backups list displays
all of the stored backup files found for the currently selected
dated file is displayed in the following format <Neighborhood
ID>-<Month>-<Day>-<Year>-<Hour-Minute-Second> For Example:
N002-10-23-2004-230528 is Neighborhood N002 created in the 10th. month,
23rd. day, in the year 2004, 5 minutes and 28 seconds past the 23rd.
hour.(11 PM)
You have 3
additional options for each file in this list when it is selected. First is
to Restore. Selecting restore will move the current neighborhood to the
Recycle Bin and replace it with the Stored Neighborhood you have selected.
Second you have the option to Delete the Stored Backup. This deletes it to
the Recycle Bin. Third it allows you to display the path to the stored
backup. If you make changes to your system (I.E. Format) you may want to
determine this so you can save the stored backups.