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The sliders throughout the program usually display the actual values stored in the data. Usually the range is from 0 to 1000. 500 would therefore indicate 5 bars in the game when it is displayed. To fine tune the levels you can use the Page Up and Page Down keys for larger adjustments (Often 50 or 10 depending on the range available) and can be fine tuned even further using the right and left arrow keys. (Usually this allows adjustment of 1 for each key press)

Relationship drop down box

This allow you to select the relationships the character currently has to make changes to it.


Selected Character Relationship settings

This is the relationship settings for the selected character towards the character whose relationship is selected.


Selected Relationship Relationship settings

This is the setting for the opposite relationship toward the selected character.


Short Term relationship level

This is the short term relationship setting displayed in the game. Changing these usually will be effective immediately in the game. In some cases though the game will ignore this setting if a character hasn't seen another one in a long time or has never actually met them.


Long Term Relationship level

This is the long term relationship setting displayed in the game. Changing these usually will be effective immediately in the game. In some cases though the game will ignore this setting if a character hasn't seen another one in a long time or has never actually met them.


Enemy selection

This sets the characters as enemies toward each other as seen with the enemy icon. When it is set the characters are highly likely to get into some sort of dispute if they are in each others presence.


Friend selection

This is the friend icon as seen in the game


Best Friend selection

This is the Best Friend or Buddy icon as  seen in the game


Crush selection

This is the Crush icon as seen in the game


Love selection

This is the Love icon seen in the game.


Acquaintance selection

The Acquaintance setting will normally be set with most characters the selected character has a relationship with. In some cases it will not be set if for instance the character has children or siblings they have never actually met. In this case it can be set and then the relationship will usually show up in the relationships for a character in the game. Removing this setting will in turn also remove them from the relationships seen in the game.


Max Both Relationships

This button will set the short term and long term setting to the maximum for both characters. It also sets the friend and best friend settings at the same time. This can be handy when you are adding friends to the household for job promotions.

Note: Any friends added or removed here will not show up in the household window for TS2 Enhancer until after the household has been saved from within the game following the changes.

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Last modified: 09/10/08.